Welcome to Oz Editorial Services!

Do You Need a Copy Editor or Proofreader?

Welcome writers! So, would you like to make your writing more professional and polished? Do you need help cleaning up your writing or just want to get rid of any errors? Are you looking to improve the grammar, punctuation, spelling, word flow, and syntax in your written work? Then you are in the right place! We can copy edit or proofread your written work to make it shine.

In case you’re wondering…why is it a problem if there are errors in your writing? Why does it matter if your writing isn’t concise and written using active sentences?

It’s because it looks unprofessional if you publish something that’s written badly or has errors in it. If your writing doesn’t connect with your readers, you’ll lose their interest. The second your readers see an error, the respect for your level of professionalism and credibility will falter.

Don’t let that happen. Let us help you create a clear and concise document free from errors so that your readers can focus on your message instead of your mistakes. Contact us now so we can discuss your project and showcase your best work!

Fill out our “Contact Us” form to get in touch to discuss your specific project by emailing [email protected] or clicking the button below.

What We Can Help With

  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Syntax
  • Active voice
  • Repetitiveness
  • Word choice
  • Wordiness
  • General flow
  • and more!

Types of Written Work We Can Copy Edit or Proofread:

  • Papers
  • Articles
  • Blogs
  • Essays
  • Books (especially fiction)
  • Business documents
  • Podcast transcripts
  • Marketing material

Styles Guides We Know:

  • The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)
  • The Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • The American Psychological Association (APA)
  • The Associated Press (AP)

Why Do You Need a Proofreader or Copy Editor?

Many people make the mistake of copy editing and proofreading their own work and expect that to be enough. Of course, it’s important to edit and proofread your own work. However, having a second pair of trained eyes look over your written work is imperative. People tend to miss errors in their own writing because they’re so used to reading it that their eyes scan right past the errors. Besides, it’s not your job to know or figure out every little grammar and punctuation rule.

You may think spell-check or something else (like AI) is enough to catch the errors in your writing, but that’s not true. Spell-check doesn’t catch words that are wrong but are spelled correctly (homophones) or switched or repeated accidentally and so on. Oftentimes, spell-check and other programs will actually suggest incorrect “corrections.” This is why it is best to have a professional copy editor or proofreader look over your work; we have the skills and experience to recognize the genuine errors and suggest the appropriate changes.

If you’re looking for a copy editor to offer additional in-depth help, we can help with that too. We can go beyond just grammar and punctuation errors and dive into your writing to help you reword clunky or unclear sentences, eliminate excessive wordiness, and change passive to active voice where necessary. We can help your writing become more concise and flow better.

Whatever kind of help you need, don’t hesitate. Email us at [email protected] or click the button below so we can discuss your project.